File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 DrawableDashboard.hDrawableDashboard.h a series of helper classes for building dashboards out of menu items
 DrawableTouchCalibrator.hA simple helper for touch calibration implemented as a TcMenu CustomDrawing instance
 MenuItemDelegate.hMenuItemDelegate.h contains a delegate class that allows some menu item operations on more than one item at once
 BaseGraphicalRenderer.hContains the base functionality for all graphical renderers
 CardLayoutPanel.hPanel that helps the renderer draw items in a card layout
 DeviceDrawableHelper.hA few helper classes that provides useful functions on top of a tcMenu device drawable
 DialogRuntimeEditor.hContains the functionality to handle editing runtime multipart items
 DrawingPrimitives.hSeries of core components needed by all graphical renderers
 GfxMenuConfig.hThis file contains the base drawing structures and helper methods for drawing onto graphical screens, be it mono or colour
 GraphicsDeviceRenderer.hInterface that all graphics devices should implement to do the actual graphics rendering
 MenuTouchScreenEncoder.hInterface between the touch screen and tcMenu
 RuntimeTitleMenuItem.hMenu item that is presented for the title
 TcDrawableButton.hButton that can be rendered onto any drawable, remembers it's position, and can integrate with touch screens
 TcThemeBuilder.hTheme builder that simplifies the creation of themes for GraphicsDeviceRenderer based displays
 language_cs.hNever include directly; contains the Czech language text for tcMenu text, controlled by TC_LOCALE
 language_cs_ascii.hNever include directly; contains the Czech language text for tcMenu text (ASCII only), controlled by TC_LOCALE
 language_de.hNever include directly; contains the German language text for tcMenu text, controlled by TC_LOCALE
 language_de_ascii.hNever include directly; contains the German language text for tcMenu text (ASCII only), controlled by TC_LOCALE
 language_en.hNever include directly; contains the English language text for tcMenu text, controlled by TC_LOCALE, this is the default (EN)
 language_fr.hNever include directly; contains the French language text for tcMenu text, controlled by TC_LOCALE
 language_select.hLogic to select the right language entries for internal tcMenu library strings at compile time
 language_sk.hNever include directly; contains the Slovak language text for tcMenu text, controlled by TC_LOCALE
 language_sk_ascii.hNever include directly; contains the Slovak language text for tcMenu text (ASCII only), controlled by TC_LOCALE
 language_uk.hНіколи не включайте безпосередньо; містить англійський текст для тексту tcMenu, керованого TC_LOCALE, це значення за замовчуванням (EN)
 BaseBufferedRemoteTransport.hHelper classes for dealing with buffering remote transports
 BaseRemoteComponents.hRemote components that are shared across all remote devices
 directionalIcons.hContains directional icons in XBM format suited to use where arrow buttons are needed
 wifiAndConnectionIcons16x12.hContains definitions for standard icons including the connection active icon and the wifi signal strength icon. Icons in this file are all 16 x 12 pixels for medium to high res displays
 wifiAndConnectionIcons8x7.hContains definitions for standard icons including the connection active icon and the wifi signal strength icon. Icons in this file are all 8 x 8 pixels for low res displays
 wifiAndConnectionIconsLCD.hContains definitions for standard icons including the connection active icon and the wifi signal strength icon. Icons in this file are for use on LCD display and are arranged to show as custom characters
 testFixtures.hA full complete menu tree structure suitable for basic unit testing. Contains most types. Also contains a simpler menu for testing too
 BaseDialog.hThe definition of the base dialog object, that can be used with any display type. These are designed to handle simple user informational pages and questions
 BaseRenderers.hThe base definitions and classes shared by all TcMenu renderers
 EditableLargeNumberMenuItem.hThis file contains the classes needed to edit very large number values that could not be edited with a rotary encoder. These numeric values have 12 digits, and as many decimal places as required
 EepromItemStorage.hThis file contains a series of helper methods for loading and saving menu item to eeprom
 MenuHistoryNavigator.hFunctionality to do with menu item navigation, including a stack of previous navigations
 MenuItems.hIn TcMenu, MenuItem storage is shared between program memory and RAM. Usually each MenuItem has associated Info block and within the InfoBlock, the first fields must be in the same order as AnyMenuInfo. The most commonly used menu items are defined within this file. Each menu item also has a menu item type that is used during rendering and remote communication to determine what it actually is
 MenuIterator.hProvides a number of utility functions for the processing of menu item structures
 MessageProcessors.hThis file contains the default processors that can deal with incoming messages turning them into events on tcMenu
 RemoteAuthentication.hContains the base functionality for communication between the menu library and remote APIs
 RemoteConnector.hContains the base functionality for communication between the menu library and remote APIs
 RemoteMenuItem.hThis file contains the extra types needed for remote menu items, they are not in the main MenuItems.h header because they require all the remote headers be included
 RemoteTypes.hDefinitions of each message and field
 RuntimeMenuItem.hContains definitions of menu items that can be fully defined at runtime with no need for prog mem structures
 ScrollChoiceMenuItem.hMenu item definition for scrolling choice types, and also for RGB items
 SecuredMenuPopup.hCode to show a security screen for secured menus
 tcMenu.hThe menu manager is responsible for managing a set of menu items, and is configured with a renderer and input capability in order to present the menu. Remotes generally also the the menu manager to find out about the overall structure
 tcMenuKeyboard.hKeyboard listener for use with MatrixKeyboardManager that can control a menu system
 tcMenuVersion.hVersion information and accessor functions
 tcUtil.hA series of utilities that used throughout tcMenu