A full complete menu tree structure suitable for basic unit testing. Contains most types. Also contains a simpler menu for testing too. More...
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Functions | |
RENDERING_CALLBACK_NAME_INVOKE (backSubSecondLevelFn, backSubItemRenderFn, "Second Level", 0xffff, NULL) BackMenuItem menuBackSecondLevel(backSubSecondLevelFn | |
RENDERING_CALLBACK_NAME_INVOKE (backSubStatusFn, backSubItemRenderFn, "Status", 0xffff, NULL) BackMenuItem menuBackStatus(backSubStatusFn | |
RENDERING_CALLBACK_NAME_INVOKE (backSubSettingsFn, backSubItemRenderFn, "Settings", 0xffff, NULL) BackMenuItem menuBackSettings(backSubSettingsFn | |
Variables | |
const PROGMEM AnalogMenuInfo | minfoCaseTemp = { "Case Temp", 103, 0xffff, 255, NO_CALLBACK, 0, 2, "C" } |
const PROGMEM FloatMenuInfo | minfoFloatItem = { "FloatItem", 102, 0xffff, 4, NO_CALLBACK } |
const PROGMEM AnyMenuInfo | minfoPressMe = { "Press Me", 101, 0xffff, 0, PRESSMECALLBACK } |
& | menuPressMe |
const PROGMEM SubMenuInfo | minfoSecondLevel = { "SecondLevel", 100, 0xffff, 0, NO_CALLBACK } |
const PROGMEM AnalogMenuInfo | minfoRHSTemp = { "R HS Temp", 8, 0xffff, 255, NO_CALLBACK, 0, 2, "C" } |
const PROGMEM AnalogMenuInfo | minfoLHSTemp = { "L HS Temp", 7, 0xffff, 255, NO_CALLBACK, 0, 2, "C" } |
& | menuLHSTemp |
const PROGMEM SubMenuInfo | minfoStatus = { "Status", 5, 0xffff, 0, NO_CALLBACK } |
const PROGMEM AnalogMenuInfo | minfoContrast = { "Contrast", 10, 6, 255, NO_CALLBACK, 0, 2, "" } |
const PROGMEM BooleanMenuInfo | minfo12VStandby = { "12V Standby", 4, 0xffff, 1, NO_CALLBACK, NAMING_YES_NO } |
& | menu12VStandby |
const PROGMEM SubMenuInfo | minfoSettings = { "Settings", 3, 0xffff, 0, NO_CALLBACK } |
const char enumStrChannel_0[] | PROGMEM = "CD Player" |
const PROGMEM EnumMenuInfo | minfoChannel = { "Channel", 2, 4, 2, NO_CALLBACK, enumStrChannel } |
const PROGMEM AnalogMenuInfo | minfoVolume = { "Volume", 1, 2, 255, NO_CALLBACK, -190, 2, "dB" } |
const PROGMEM AnalogMenuInfo | minfoSimple2 = { "simple2", 1, 2, 255, NO_CALLBACK, -190, 2, "dB" } |
const PROGMEM AnalogMenuInfo | minfoSimple1 = { "simple1", 1, 2, 255, NO_CALLBACK, -190, 2, "dB" } |
A full complete menu tree structure suitable for basic unit testing. Contains most types. Also contains a simpler menu for testing too.