src Directory Reference


file  AnalogDeviceAbstraction.h [code]
 Contains a series of helper classes for dealing with analog devices, these are compatible across a wide range of devices.
file  ArduinoEEPROMAbstraction.h [code]
 A wrapper around the Arduino EEPROM support.
file  BasicIoAbstraction.h [code]
 Provides the core IoAbstraction interface and Arduino implementation of that interface.
file  DeviceEvents.h [code]
 This file contains events that are associated with the device, such as the Analog Device.
file  DfRobotInputAbstraction.h [code]
 This file contains an implementation of BasicIoAbstraction that works with the DfRobot shield in order to convert the analog keys into regular digital IO. This allows DfRobot to be used with switches for button management.
file  EepromAbstraction.h [code]
 Wraps up EEPROM support in a way that is compatible between implementations. For example presently there are AVR, EEPROM, and i2c implementations that work interchangeably. Adding another variant is quite trivial.
file  EepromAbstractionWire.h [code]
 Contains the i2c variants of the EepromAbstraction.
file  IoAbstraction.h [code]
 Using basic IoFacilities allows one to abstract away the use of IoExpanders, such that the switching from BasicIoFacilities to IoExpanderFacilities allows the same code to use an IoExpander instead of direct pins.
file  IoAbstractionWire.h [code]
 Contains the versions of BasicIoAbstraction that use i2c communication. Including PCF8574 and MCP23017.
file  JoystickSwitchInput.h [code]
 Provides a rotary encoder emulation based on an analog joystick. Normally used with switches to provide an encoder for your project.
file  KeyboardManager.h [code]
 contains the classes needed to deal with matrix keyboards
file  MockIoAbstraction.h [code]
 This file contains implementations of IoAbstraction that are very useful for dev & testing. Neither of the implementations in this file are designed for use in production.
file  NegatingIoAbstraction.h [code]
 This file contains an implementation of BasicIoAbstraction that negates whatever read or write would normally be returned.
file  ResistiveTouchScreen.h [code]
 simple resistive touch screen class that converts touch coordinates into a range between floating point values 0.0 and 1.0.
file  SwitchInput.h [code]
 Switch input provides the button and rotary encoder input capabilities provided by this library. There is a globally defined variable switches declared that you can use directly. To add a rotary encoder, see the helper functions further down. There's also a rotary encoder emulation based on Up and Down buttons.
file  wireHelpers.h [code]
 a series of wire helper functions that make dealing with device register IO simpler