Menu In Menu support for embedded Java on Linux / Raspberry PI
You can combine many menu structures from different devices into a single menu, this works by each remote menu being represented by a MenuInMenu object being associated with a RemoteConnection and a MenuManagerServer. It maps the remote menu into an unused ID range on the local device and even handles dialog commands. Available from version 2.3 of tcMenu Designer and API. Menu In Menu range and submenu mapping Each menu in menu definition that we create results in a remote connection to another device, and the selected sub-menu receiving all the menu items from that device as if they were local menus.
Control menus with embedCONTROL.JS from a webserver
Available from 2.3 onwards. On larger embedded devices you can serve up embedCONTROL.JS from a web browser. It allows you to remotely control and monitor the menu items from a web page on any device that can run a web browser. It is a single page web application based on React.JS. It supports the most important functions from the full embedCONTROL application, having the advantage of not needing any installation.
Embedded Java ethernet, WiFi and Serial plugin
In this guide we show how to setup and use the embedded Java remote plugin to allow embedCONTROL connections to a Raspberry PI or other embedded Linux board. Back to tcMenu main page
ESP8266 / ESP32 WiFi remote plug-in for tcMenu library
In this guide we show how to setup and use the ESP8266 / ESP32 Wifi remote plugin for use in the menu library. This plug-in works with most ESP boards. ESP WiFi is quite easy to set up as it’s built into the device. However, when using any ESP board and ESP8266 especially you must make sure that you frequently yield control to the runtime. If you are using task manager exclusively this should not be an issue.
Ethernet2, UipEthernet, Stm32Ethernet remote plug-in for tcMenu library
In this guide we show how to setup and use the ethernet plugin for Ethernet2, UipEthernet, Stm32Ethernet libraries. This plug-in works with Ethernet shields and many ethernet modules available for Arduino. For a general overview on remotely controlling and monitoring see controlling embedded apps with embedCONTROL. IMPORTANT: It is your responsibility to configure and initialise the Ethernet adapter before calling setupMenu in the general application setup. See the section further down on sketch requirements.