By dave | May 28, 2021

In the theme plugin properties you can often select the font to use. However, there are a few points to bear in mind when using fonts. Here are the key points:

  • Most graphical plugins (other than Uno specific) support TcUnicode, a font rendering system that has full Unicode UTF-8 support. These fonts can be easily created in the designer UI, see further down. It is also backward compatible with Adafruit fonts.
  • Each plugin’s text drawing can also use native text drawing, based on how the underlying library itself draws fonts. You must use a compatible font.
  • Some libraries such as U8G2 and TFT_eSPI generally include the fonts in the package, and it is up to you to know which ones are available.
  • For Adafruit_GFX the fonts are generally included as needed from the Fonts directory, either in the package itself, or from your local project. They will be included once only in the C++ menu file and the variable for the font will be exported.
  • With themes, the designer will NOT overwrite any theme header file that has already been created in case you have manually modified it, to make the changes you must delete the file yourself so that it is recreated.
Font dialog showing default selection
Font definition dialog

We’ll now discuss each option in turn, and what it means in terms of generated code.

Using the default font

Some displays, where there is a concept of default font support it. It’s best not to rely on this and explicitly set a font. For TcUnicode you must specify a font, there is no baked in default.

Adafruit and TcUnicode Library font

For Adafruit_GFX, TcUnicode, and LTDC/BSP libraries Adafruit fonts are used.

For this option you provide a font that will be found in the global Adafruit_GFX Fonts directory, you also provide the magnification factor for this. During code generation we will turn this into a C++ file global include, export the font name for use elsewhere, and set the font definition up.

Adafruit and TcUnicode local font

For Adafruit_GFX, TcUnicode, and LTDC/BSP libraries Adafruit fonts are used.

For this option you provide a font that will be found within your project in a Fonts directory, you also provide the magnification factor for this. During code generation we will turn this into a C++ file project local include, export the font name for use elsewhere, and set the font definition up.

Static Font

In U8G2 the fonts are all included in the library directly, all that is needed is to refer to the variable. This option is suitable when the font is already available and can be referenced by name. It will create a font definition only. For this option provide the name only.

Numbered font

Some displays such as TFT_eSPI keep available fonts in an array, and you refer to them by number. For this option provide the number only. The definition will be created for that font number.

Fonts being passed to rendering functions

Within the core graphics functions, fonts are pased around as a MenuFontDef, this structure has the fontData which is a pointer to the font, and also the fontMag parameter, which is either the size or font number, depending on the device in use.

To construct a font definition manually:

MenuFontDefinition def(fontDataPtr, fontMagOrSize);

It is a struct, so has trivially simple copy characteristics.

Creating a Unicode or Adafruit font using the designer UI

TcMenu Designer can create an embedded font from a font available on your desktop. The font creator presently supports header generation for both Adafruit_GFX or TcUnicode fonts. TcUnicode fonts are described in more detail in the next section.

NOTE: It is your responsibility to check the usage license on the font you choose, to ensure you are legally allowed to use it in an embedded context.

To start the font creation utility, it is best to have a project open first, as it will then offer to save within your project.

From the “Code” menu select “Font Creation Utility” and the following dialog will be shown:

Font creation dialog with highlighted points
Font Creation Dialog

We’ll now go through the general way in which to work with fonts:

  1. Open a font into the editor either using Open Embedded Font which allows you to open an existing font XML file previously saved. Alternatively, Import Font imports a font from any file format supported by FreeFont library. When importing a font, make sure you choose the Unicode ranges that you want to include, by default all Latin ranges are selected.
  2. One a font is opened you can choose which glyphs to include, and also touch up any minor rendering errors. To either select or deselect a glyph click on it, a popup will allow you to either edit the glyph or toggle its selection status. To toggle the group by clicking the select/clear all checkbox next to it.
  3. You can Save the font as XML, it can be loaded back at any time using Open Embedded Font.
  4. To export the font simply use the Generate menu button, where you can choose either to export to clipboard or file. When the clipboard option is ticked, the header file will be saved to the clipboard. The two export options are discussed below.

Exporting to Adafruit_GFX font format

Exporting to Adafruit font format will write a header file that can be loaded either directly by Adafruit_GFX or by our TcUnicode renderer, meaning you can now use these fonts anywhere.

The underlying format, stores every glyph between a starting point and an ending point, this means that we have to store an empty glyph for every item you want to skip. This is fine if there are not too many points you wish to skip, but if there are many, the size adds up. Also, the absolute maximum char is 0xFFFF.

Exporting to TcUnicode font format

Exporting to TcUnicode font format will write a header file that can be loaded by our TcUnicode renderer, these fonts are supported on most graphical displays that have tcMenu plugins. Meaning full, customizable UTF-8 is available nearly everywhere. Simply enable the support in your code generator plugin.

This format is more customizable than Adafruit fonts, but on the other hand in the simplest case, just LATIN, may take slightly more space. Why? This is because the format is genuinely Unicode, it can support Unicode blocks, and you choose which blocks you want and even can select at the character level. This means that for most unicode cases, it will be much smaller than Adafruit.

Exporting font Summary

Adafruit fonts take very slightly less room for the basic latin case, but quickly get to a similar size when including characters above 127. TcUnicode support is compatible with both, you can take your pick which to use.

Notes for specific implementations

Note that when using tcUnicode with themes use the Adafruit/TcUnicode option and set magnification to:

  • 0 for TcUnicode based fonts
  • 1 for Adafruit based fonts but note that magnification is not implemented.

Designer detects tcUnicode use automaticaly and shows only these options from 3.0 onwards.

Drawing manually with a TcUnicode font

To draw with a TcUnicode font in your code, simply use the global renderer and call getDeviceDrawable() to get a pointer to the device. The below code has the advantage that it can be used with ANY graphical display we support.

auto drawable = renderer.getDeviceDrawable();

// always do this first, it starts transaction with the drawable

// measure the text we are going to put onscreen the coord value
// has the x and y dimensions. Baseline, the baseline offset.
int baseline = 0;
Coord coord = drawable->textExtents(myFont, 0, "Test", &baseline);

// drawing text, simply set the draw color and then text.
drawable->drawText(Coord(0,0), myFont, 0, "Test");

// always do this last, it ensures the screen is updated

As I said above, this code works on every display we have plugins for. It has many other methods for dealing with common drawing operations. Read the full documentation.

You’ll also see examples of using DeviceDrawable within many packaged examples.

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